Final Fantasy Lenne Wallpapers
Lenna Charlotte Tycoon is the young princess of Tycoon, and begins the story as her father, King Alexander Tycoon, leaves to investigate the Wind Crystal. She follows him after he does not return and meets Bartz, starting the quest to save the Crystals. Lenna displays many traits of an archetypal video game princess: she is beautiful, kind, and she also has a self-sacrificial streak that puts her in danger several times during the game. However, she also breaks this mold: she is very impulsive, and often does not think before she acts. She is connected to the element of Water.
Lenna is the first character the player meets. She is on her way to the Wind Shrine after her father fails to return from it, but encounters some goblins from which Bartz rescues her. After thanking him, the pair meet an amnesia-stricken old man that is, apparently, from the recently-crashed meteor. He identifies himself as Galuf, and he and Lenna continue to the Wind Shrine before being attacked by goblins and rescued again by Bartz. At that point, the three decide to travel together.

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